Writer's ID: 13036
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Overall ranking 4.7/5
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:

  • Communications & Media
  • Religion & Theology
  • Political science
  • Healthcare & Medicine
  • E-commerce
  • Finance
  • Engineering
  • Agriculture
  • Military
  • Astronomy
  • Anthropology
  • Marketing strategy
  • Nursing
  • Environmental science
  • Philosophy
  • Social science
  • Other
  • Geology
  • Biology
  • Communication strategies
  • Art
  • Architecture
  • Education
  • Sports
  • Theatre
  • Journalism
  • Statistics
  • Trade
  • Accounting
  • English
  • Pathogenesis of disease
  • History
  • Law
  • Medicine & Dentistry
  • Pedagogy
  • Public relations
  • Social work
  • Movies
  • Organizational behavior
  • Homeland security
  • International relations
  • Public health
  • Human resources
  • Natural science
  • Advertising
  • Economics
  • Sociology
  • Logistics
  • Government
  • IT & Technology
  • Chemistry
  • Literature
  • Nutrition
  • Criminal justice
  • Criminology
  • Physics
  • Management
  • Mathematics
  • Geography
  • Music
  • Culture
  • Leadership
  • Risk management
  • Paintings
  • Marketing
  • Psychology
  • Business
  • International business
  • Mental health
  • Public administration
  • Project management
  • Ethics
  • Aviation

See what other clients say about this writer

Principles of Management


February 01, 2017

Great thank you so much.Thanks for referencing management 12E I have to change it to the American writers not a biggy.

Different cultural education systems


January 31, 2017


Public Domain or Open-Source Literature

Book report

January 31, 2017

Well done!

Instruction-(Controv-9)-APPLICATION- Enforcement of Immigration Laws


January 29, 2017

First- rate writing 100% score

Instruction-(Controv-9)-POST-9/11 and Immigration


January 29, 2017

Brilliant!!! 100% score

Equity Theory

Reaction paper

January 29, 2017

Good work.

Personal essay why I want to be a doctor

Admission essay

January 26, 2017


Instruction-(Controv-8)-FP-Part 2-B-FOR the Death penalty

Annotated bibliography

January 22, 2017

Also an Excellent job on this annotation!! 100% grade

Instruction-(Controv-8)-FP-#2-A-Against Death penalty

Annotated bibliography

January 22, 2017

Excellent job on this annotation!! 100% grade

Collaborating Community Nursing and Faith Based Nursing


January 17, 2017
