
Starts from: A$15.22

Sometimes you just find the perfect essay that will work well with your assignment brief. Perhaps you found a great sample essay online or in the university archives, have been given an old essay by another student, or you've just acquired an essay that you know will impress your tutors.

You can't just hand in that essay though, and hope for the best. Thanks to plagiarism detectors that most universities now use, it'll be picked up straight away. Does this mean you'll just have to abandon that essay and write your own?

The answer is no, of course not. Here at Big Assignments there is another way to get the job done. We'll take the essay you found, and rewrite it so you can hand in a completely original piece of writing as your assignment.

Features of the Rewriting
  • 100% Original Product
  • Only PhD and Master's Degree Holders
  • Complete Money Back Guarantees
  • FREE Amendments
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When rewriting is helpful

- You'll often find you don't have the time or energy to write your essays. If you can obtain an essay, we'll rewrite it and then you can get on with the other jobs demanding your attention.

- International students can find it difficult to get assignments written. If English is your second language, you're working with more barriers than most students. Even if you speak English as your first language, the differences between your country's university requirements can trip you up. Rewriting can make your life a whole lot easier.

We'll write you an essay that will answer your assignment brief perfectly. All you have to do is provide the sample essay, and we'll do the rest. When we deliver the work, you can check it over and make sure that it reaches your standards. We're so confident it will, we'll even refund your money if you're not happy.

Test us out and place an order today. You'll be glad you did!

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  • File your writing assignment before the deadline
  • Get everything done on time
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Our writers and editors make sure that your paper is 100% unique!

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