Writer's ID: 13036
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:

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  • Religion & Theology
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  • E-commerce
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See what other clients say about this writer

Instruction-(Research-3)-POST-Descriptive and Explanatory Variables


March 24, 2017

Excellent job 100%

The academic knowledge that is taught in high schools is worthless if schools don't also prepare students to make their own decisions

Reaction paper

March 23, 2017

Writer 1303603 was fantastic. Highly recommended! My paper was done well before the deadline. Communication was a little shifty but other than that everything was fine.

Antonin Scalia


March 22, 2017

Thank you for your help, I truly appreciate it. You did a great job.

How is digital learning going to change schools and education?


March 21, 2017

Very good

policy development comparison


March 21, 2017

great work! best yet!

Instruction-(Research-2)-Application-Formulating Research Questions


March 20, 2017

Good job

Why do good people do bad things


March 19, 2017

Good..I have no complaints..will use this writer again

Instruction-(Research-2)-POST-Comparing Research Designs


March 19, 2017

Good job 100%

Root Cause Analysis for a medication error, Hospital setting

Research paper

March 17, 2017

Very nice. It was a difficult topic. Will recommend you.

Why is it so hard to get mass transit expansion funded, using Vancouver as an example? Review what policy instruments are available and their constraints in explaining transport issues.


March 17, 2017

Work was done exactly as asked