Writer's ID: 13036
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See what other clients say about this writer

honor killings


April 12, 2018

nice job, thanks

It should be forbidden to use species of animals for research purposes and cruel experiments


April 12, 2018

I received a 70 on this paper something I feel like I could have done for 74 bucks. Oh well!


Research paper

April 12, 2018

Good paper but in the prompt it specifically said reference page and cover page were not to be counted as part of the "12 full pages of content" but well written research paper.

serial killers

Research paper

April 10, 2018

good report. but writer disregarded half of my request for what I wanted on my paper in the description.

Summary article "Should School Use Cash Incentives to Promote Educational Goal?"


April 09, 2018

I got 9/10 in this paper. You did a great job. Thank you!

ethical culture analysis

Term paper

April 09, 2018

I got a 100 on the assignment. No complaints here!

Article Critique

Research paper

April 05, 2018

Thank you

The Politics of Stasis(internal conflict)-Thucydides Epitaphios, Plague, Corcyrean Stasis

Article critique

April 02, 2018

The overall task was met to my satisfactory. However, certain areas did require some tweeking in terms of repetition in similar points already made-nothing major. All in all, I'm happy with the work. Thanks so much!

Modernism argumentative essay


March 26, 2018

not written as described, sent corrections via text with writer still notr corrected

Dialect and the Learning of English as a Second Language In New york

Research paper

March 24, 2018

Excellent work thanks