Writer's ID: 13036
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Overall ranking 4.7/5
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:

  • Communications & Media
  • Religion & Theology
  • Political science
  • Healthcare & Medicine
  • E-commerce
  • Finance
  • Engineering
  • Agriculture
  • Military
  • Astronomy
  • Anthropology
  • Marketing strategy
  • Nursing
  • Environmental science
  • Philosophy
  • Social science
  • Other
  • Geology
  • Biology
  • Communication strategies
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  • Architecture
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  • Journalism
  • Statistics
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  • English
  • Pathogenesis of disease
  • History
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  • Organizational behavior
  • Homeland security
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  • Advertising
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  • Chemistry
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  • Nutrition
  • Criminal justice
  • Criminology
  • Physics
  • Management
  • Mathematics
  • Geography
  • Music
  • Culture
  • Leadership
  • Risk management
  • Paintings
  • Marketing
  • Psychology
  • Business
  • International business
  • Mental health
  • Public administration
  • Project management
  • Ethics
  • Aviation

See what other clients say about this writer

Why Do I Want An MBA?

Personal statement

October 30, 2020

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it

Genocide of the American Indian and Indian Boarding Schools

Reaction paper

October 29, 2020

Very well written.

use manipulatives in the classroom


October 28, 2020

No improvements needed work well written

Instructional strategies


October 28, 2020

No improvements needed work well written

Sociolinguistic Assignment


October 27, 2020

Thank you for your help

How to Develop a transformational Leader

Term paper

October 27, 2020

Sorry, I don't know if I informed this before, I needed 8 quality sources, I had done 5, I wanted 5 extra. an extra 4 quality sources would help. Thanks


Research paper

October 27, 2020

Well written

The Woman's Suffrage Movement


October 27, 2020

great work

Animals and Society


October 27, 2020

Pretty mediocre, a lot of revisions were necessary. Lots of repeating of the same sentences and ideas.

Business Ethics at a Secular View


October 27, 2020

Great job