Writer's ID: 110243
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Overall ranking 4.23/5
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:

  • Communications & Media
  • Political science
  • Healthcare & Medicine
  • E-commerce
  • Agriculture
  • Anthropology
  • Nursing
  • Environmental science
  • Philosophy
  • Social science
  • Biology
  • Communication strategies
  • Education
  • Journalism
  • English
  • Pathogenesis of disease
  • History
  • Law
  • Medicine & Dentistry
  • Pedagogy
  • Public relations
  • Social work
  • Natural science
  • Sociology
  • Literature
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Psychology
  • Business

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July 20, 2018


Philosophy Questions


July 19, 2018

Morality and Social Responsibility


July 19, 2018

Well Written! Thanks!

The class will watch and discuss two films, Brown vs. Board of Education and A Class Divided, on the first week of the class. You will write a 400-600 words response/ reflection to the film from your perspective. You can use one or two films to relate the reading which I have uploaded in the additional materials.

Reaction paper

July 16, 2018

Good response paper!

classical conditioning and instrumental learning


July 15, 2018

Essay well written.

Narrative Therapy


July 06, 2018

I had to do a lot of my own editing. There were run-on sentences and sentences that were far to short. There was lack of punctuation and even misspellings. The general quality of the paper is good but I should not have to make so many corrections on my own. Not what I would expect for a $400 service.

Critical Thinking 12


July 06, 2018

Good paper

Contemporary Capitalism


June 26, 2018

Great work

WEEK 6 Interpersonal Crime...I chose a CHILD ABUSE


June 20, 2018

NR 703 Week 7 DB 2 An ethic of care and the DNP prepared nursing leader


June 20, 2018

good job